Key Points of This Podcast
- Meet Our Host: Join Aisha Zaman, a dynamic 15-year-old stepping into the world of podcasting, eager to uncover and share groundbreaking stories.
- Early Influences: Discover Michael’s roots, from his martial arts studio to his profound experiences with diverse cultures across the globe.
- Entrepreneurial Spirit: Delve into Michael’s journey of founding multiple businesses and his passion for leveraging technology to impact society positively.
- Philosophical Insights: Engage with Michael’s thoughts on the interconnectedness of cultures and the universal thread of compassion that binds humanity.
- AI and Robotics: Unpack Michael’s extensive background in artificial intelligence and robotics, exploring how these technologies are shaping our future.
- Personal Anecdotes: From his early business ventures to his work with the Saudi royal family, Michael shares personal stories that have influenced his career and life philosophy.
- Global Perspective: Learn about Michael’s travels and how living in various countries has broadened his worldview and influenced his professional endeavors.
- Vision for the Future: Hear about ‘AI Doggo’ and ‘Wazuppup,’ innovative projects that blend technology with daily life to create meaningful solutions.
I’m Aisha. Every journey starts with a search, whether I’m browsing the library, picking a new book, or stepping into something new. In my podcast, I’m a person, place, or thing. I uncover unique stories, cultures, and connections. With God IT’S ME, I’m not just volunteering, I’m growing, learning, and shaping the future one story at a time.
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the very first episode of God, it’s me. I am a person, place, or thing. I’m your host, Aisha Zaman, and I’m thrilled to have you join us on this journey. As a 15 year old stepping into the world of podcasting, being completely transparent, I am incredibly nervous. However, I’m hoping I have watched enough Larry King and Howard Stern interviews last night to help me get through this day.
This podcast is part of the nonprofit organization called God It’s Me. Today, I’m honored to have as my very first guest, Michael Kapustin, the owner of God It’s Me. Michael is a serial entrepreneur with a fascinating background in AI development and robotics. He has launched numerous businesses and is deeply passionate about leveraging technology to make a positive impact. Michael, how are you doing today?
Hi, Isha. I’m doing very well. Thank you. Nice. Thanks for having me on the show.
I’m very happy to have you. I think before we get into anything about technology, we should just get some background about who you are. So, Michael, I believe you were born in Yugoslavia. I think that’s how you pronounce it. You are raised in Texas.
You developed businesses in Eastern Europe. You raised your family in Canada, and you spent some brief time in Lahaina Lahaina. Right? And now you reside in America. Correct?
You’re, correct with the first one except I was born in Bulgaria, not Yugoslavia. Oh, okay. My father my dad was born in Yugoslavia. Okay. But the the rest of it, you’re bang on.
You’ve obviously been a lot of places. How do these diverse cultural landscapes shape your general worldwide view on life itself? Oh, that’s a comp that’s a that’s a great question, and I’m not sure if I can answer that in the in any short sentences. Actually, my background’s even more diverse than that. Dennis, I’ll give you a little bit of more more, biographic material.
I spent, 7 years working for the Saudi royal family in the Middle East. So I spent I lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for quite for quite some time. In that was an attache to a Saudi prince. Prior to that, I had a travel agency with ex traveled extensively inside of Central and South America and and, Western Europe. And even before that, my father had, put together something called the Intercontinental Football League, and I was the PR and VP for that in the early to mid 19 seventies.
And it was a, a foot American Football League that was, working with the NFL to develop, a teams in in Europe. It was the forerunner of the current European American Football League that the NFL now teams now find it. So my dad was the one who came up with that idea. And before that, my first business, I had a martial arts studio at Karate Studios in in Dallas, and so that was the first thing I did. So, how does all of that experience impact?
I came to discover the the beauty and the synergy between different cultures, different beliefs, and found that almost in everyone sociologically, there was always a common thread, and that common thread was compassion. And while you will see polarized views from almost from different nationalities, different political views, different religions, almost inevitably, every single one of them has a common thread of compassion that off too oftentimes we forget. We see the extremes and don’t and don’t see, the area that’s in the middle. Unfortunately, for the better part of humanity, which is a wonderful surprise to me, is that compassion is the primary dominant force working in almost every culture. So that’s my view of, of the my view of all of this, that we are view that we, human beings, are beautiful, wonderful creatures, with and like yourself, incredible capacity.
We surprise each we surprise ourselves and others often. We are capable of almost superhuman feats physically, that we would consider superhuman, and intellectual creations like artificial intelligence and robotics and space travel and and the technology that’s embedded in one of, in one of these devices, which apparently doesn’t show up very well on this, on the video. Okay? As, we’re very, very wonderful, competent, beings. So compassion is something that really connects us.
And when did you first start traveling for business? Probably at about 17. Okay. 7323. Yeah.
And do you remember, like, an exact moment where you realized this is what connects us all, or did you just it just, like, over time? I would say it was it was an evolution. It it it was a pro a process. As you as you integrate going as a tourist is one thing, but for the most part, I’ve never been a tourist. I try to, sort of immerse myself in the society that I’m visiting, and it’s only then that you really get a real feeling for what for what’s going on in that society.
And and the living there, they’ll have it I live I’ve lived in Germany. I’ve lived in England. I’ve lived in the Middle East. I’ve lived in Europe. I’ve lived in South America.
I’ve lived, for brief times in the Caribbean. So and you begin I have one part of the world I haven’t been to yet is Asia, which I hope to change in some time in the near future. But you begin to realize that, people are just basically really wonderful. Everybody just wants to be safe, look after their families, and hopefully achieve something with their lives. And you started traveling young.
Right? So is it was it something where, like, when you were young, you knew, oh, I’m gonna travel, or did you travel for business, or did you just travel to different places and stuff? Organized my I organized my life so that I I could travel. Okay. Because that was, that was a a passion that my father instilled in both in my in me as and my sister and I as we were growing up because we traveled a great deal.
When we were actually younger than your age, we were already had already been to South America. We’d already been to Central America. We’d be in Europe by the time we were I think I think I was 15 years old when we went back to Europe, to, to visit on Paris and London and Rome and Venice and all of those other beautiful cities. So that was, that was really a byproduct of the family that I that, I was raised in. And when you were growing up, were did your family have a family business?
Were you raised around business people? No. That’s the interesting part. My dad was not a very good entrepreneur. He was actually, honestly, he didn’t do well at that, so he, he was involved in sports.
His education, in Europe, he was a well known soccer coach, and that sort of gave him a foothold in the in Canada and the US to to pursue a a career. And so his focus was primarily on sports. But, no, he was, he had a spirit of, invention and entrepreneurship, like, when he formed this Intercontinental Football League, with a partner, but he had a business partner. So for him, it was the passion of starting something new, and he had somebody else who worried about the money part of it. But when that component disappeared, regrettably, the gentleman passed away.
That was, my father was quite shaken up by that. So, no, I I did not come from an entrepreneurial background, but I did come from an adventurous background and a highly intellectual one. So if you didn’t come from a a business background, when did business really start to appeal to you? When I went to you, I was quite young when I went to university, and, I had the ambition to be a doctor. But then at the same time, I opened up my first karate studio.
And business began to appeal to me when I started to make more money than people that were 1st year residents at the hospitals. And so, regrettably, I ended up becoming more fascinated and immersed in the idea of running my own businesses, than I did in, in pursuing an academic career. I thought that, and I’m not recommending this for anybody, but I thought that academia and and, management were just too too, too confining for for somebody like me who wanted to actually explore the world a great deal more. Mhmm. So from my research, you attended the University of Texas at Arlington.
And your personal background, it really spans from, like, premed. Right now I understand why you wanted to endeavor in that because you were hoping to be a doctor. Psychology, military history, and martial arts, hence, the martial arts studios. That was your If in any way, right, did these different fields that you studied, did they ever interconnect and provide you with any approach to help you with your business, or did or no? You learned them and Well, I could I could tell you that when you’re when you’re not being mentored and you’re try you’re trying to learn how to do it all on your own, it is quite it it is a hitter in this exercise.
Or as though it’s, you just have an idea going. You’ve either got the qual you either have the the stamina and the personality and the intelligence to to make it work if if you choose whatever or the skill set. If you’re in the trades, you have the skills to make it work and organize it, or you don’t. And, as I’m sure you know, most businesses fail. Out of every out of every 1,000, you’re very fortunate to find even one that makes it past you know, only a few make it past 5 years.
So that is always the biggest challenge. So I and and, school can school can give you some background, but nothing really prepares you like the real world. Yeah. And and you mentioned that before. I’ve seen in a post, you said, and I quote, education started after I left school.
What I studied in school was interesting, but prepared us for nothing. We need our education as a core, but it is education as a core, but it is it is no replacement for strong curiosity fueled by ambition. Is that correct? You pull That sounds like something I would say. Yes.
So do you regret your time spent at, university? Or No. No. It was fine. I wanna go back.
Okay. Not anything about you. I’m just I have a big I have huge curiosity. I’m more interested in in actually learning about new things. In fact, it was when I went to the University of Texas at Dallas, to interview the, a professor I mentioned to you earlier, but I should try to find his name, but it he escapes me at the moment.
And that was, I was asked to speak at a graduate class of, of, physicists. Mhmm. And, which was very flattering. And, one of the questions I asked the graduate class was, when did virtual when was when did you have your first experience with virtual reality? Every single one of them tried to provide a technological explanation.
But the real answer, the virtual the first virtual reality experience you have is the day you become self conscious and aware because your mind is your virtual reality. All the technology that we’re utilizing now to what create what we call virtual reality worlds are really our efforts to build machines that can project what we manifest in our mind. And so they are all quite stunned to take it aback, because they always assume their virtual reality had to be a technological term and not necessarily associated with human consciousness. And so the moment you become self aware of your of yourself and and in your environment, you start to live in the world of virtual reality. It’s where you go when you sleep.
It’s where you go when you close your eyes. It’s when you go when you block out the rest of the world, and you live a new a different reality in your mind. So, Yeah. I’d like to go back to school. I think it’ll be a lot of fun.
Mhmm. But not to make money. Not to make money. That makes sense. That makes sense.
So out of all the things you studied, premed, psychology, military history, and martial arts, which one of those do you think interested you most? Physically and philosophically, I found the Asian mar martial arts to be fascinating. Military history or global history just fascinated me. Generally speaking, I think it’s important to know what has what if human events have preceded us in order to determine how to interpret interpret current events. Far too often, as we can see when we watch television and some of the statements, people who are unfamiliar with, with history, they are not really looking.
They only look at the microcosm of the moment, and they don’t look at it in the context of the whole human experience. So history in general, but military history, which is a history of conflicts, is a, is a very important lesson in trying to understand a lot of the more dramatic events that are taking place in our in our world today. Pre med was my fascination with biology, the concept of existence. What what is it, as, our is our consciousness simply, an accident of a combination of neuro synopsis and electrochemistry, and, a number of cells that developed an ego, and and had the or the audacity to believe that, they were more than just, this combination of thoughts, or is, our our self awareness something greater? And you have to start with biology before you could get into the the more metaphysical aspects of that and the deeper question of what is consciousness, what is awareness, what is life, beyond the biological sense?
Is life biological, or is it a matter of of where of self awareness and consciousness? And do you know, was there a particular an event or a moment that brought you to think about these beliefs and these theories? Yeah. I was much younger than you were when I began to I actually was quite fascinating with reading Greek philosophers, and then I became passionate about reading Hegel and Freud and and and Nietzsche, and I became very curious of their questions of existence and and and life. It it was something that began very, very early for me.
I’ve just, I think it’s the, it’s the perception that our existence, our current consciousness is finite. Mhmm. And I often people will more often ask the question of where do I go after I leave this world. I always ask the question of where did I come from. Mhmm.
I’m more fascinated by the question of where did I spend the 14000000000 years preceding the day of of my arriving on the in this consciousness than I am as to the question of where I’m going afterwards. Because I suspect that if I can answer the first question, it’ll answer the it’ll answer the second question. Mhmm. So it was when you realize, I think when you realize your own mortality. And oddly enough, when you bring that up, I think back to conversations with my sister where we would, actually, She was 6 or 7 years old, where we would wonder what would happen when, when you left this for life.
No idea why that became a prominent theme in in our in our very, very, at a very young age, but it was. So you were really just, like, from a very young age, you already had that perspective on life, or it was accumulating from then? It was. And that and that curiosity was just born at that time. I can’t even explain.
I can’t really it’s an interesting question because I really don’t know why what precipitated that line of thinking. But it was one that, in fact, now I can recall there was a school project to create inventions. I don’t know what grade I was. I think I was 6 or 7 years old in Toronto. And, I had drawn a a mechanical heart, a rather feeble attempt at 1, but that was my invention was a mechanical heart because I didn’t want my grandfather to die.
And I thought if I could come up with a mechanical heart, that would keep his heart beating, that would keep him alive. Mhmm. And so, I was quite fascinated with what were what were the possibilities of extending life and improving the quality of life even when I was 7 years old. Oh, wow. That’s incredible.
So Yeah. Now that I think about it, the the drawing I drew, I remember drawing the mechanical heart and my teacher giggling. It was in color. It was kinda stupid. The drawing was idiotic, but it was, conceptually, it was an interesting idea for a 7 year old.
And, obviously, it didn’t lead to anything because now your hair I mean, your creativity and your limitless ideas obviously got you to become a serial entrepreneur. I don’t think you can be an entrepreneur without limitless ideas, and you obviously had that from a very young age. Well yeah. And I think onto you can be an entrepreneur without limitless ideas. You can have one focus, one area that you want to, you know, you wanna you wish to excel at.
But some of us are cursed with this this problem of persistently having ideas. So I was probably would have been better off being a writer and a and an inventor as opposed to actually trying to run companies. Because running companies requires a set of discipline and the need for structure and focus, which, apparently, I’m not overly good at or at least I’ve been told. A lot of people come up with ideas all the time, but a lot of people do not end up taking action. From previous conversations with you, you do have a lot of ideas.
But how do you identify which opportunities or which ideas are worth pursuing and taking action? You can’t ever know which one is worth it because you always believe in your ideas as being one that talk to anybody who starts a business before the business actually gets going. And so let’s put it this way. The to the first part of your question, lots of people have ideas. Very few people act on those things.
Mhmm. Most everybody has a dream. Very few people act on a dream. Yeah. Then you have those who will execute, and when they execute, at least they have the courage to take a chance.
And you don’t execute something. You don’t go into something thinking you’re going to fail. You enter it in this in this sincere belief and conviction that you’re going to succeed. Then reality sets in, and the practical parts of running a business set in. And then you have to have the stamina to go through those hard moments because it’s on not all a cakewalk, and to and to stay and to just stay committed to the idea that I’m going to create something.
Mhmm. Then you’ve gotta have the flexibility and, hopefully, the creativity that when it doesn’t work the way you’d hoped, that you can do what’s called a pivot and just shift shift direction in order to try to keep the to keep the concept moving forward. Great examples of company, who companies who failed to pivot is BlackBerry Phones. They dominated. They dominated the mobile phone market.
Dominated it. But when the technology started to change, they failed to pivot, and they were lost to history. Another company that failed to pivot is Sears Roebuck. Sears Roebuck was the first online shopping with its catalogs in the 1800. Sears built its business on the idea that you could order remotely.
You could be on a farm in Arkansas or on a a ranch in, in Colorado, and you could even order a wife if you had to on Sears. Sears became a huge corporation, but when the online market came, Sears executives had lost that capacity to think, creatively because they were now it was now a bureaucracy. And so when Amazon showed up and the whole online market started, Sears laughed at it thinking that no one would ever walk away from retail stores. And so there’s and now they’re gone. They’re they’re part they’re part of history.
Had Sears had the same vision that Jeff Bezos had had when he started Amazon, Sears already had the infrastructure, the materials, and the products to to almost instantaneously become the biggest online store in honor of its prior history. It didn’t. And so a guy by the name of Jeff Bezos who set up a book selling business, turned the created one of the richest companies in the world. There’s an example of people or organizations who lose vision and lose the capacity to to, to adapt. And have you ever been faced like, have you ever had a business, but you did not take action to execute it, or did you ever have a business and you had issues with pivoting or adapting?
Oh, yeah. That I’d both say that. If I said that, that I didn’t I would be lying. Of course, I have dozens. The the first one, not taking action, I’ve kicked myself on the rear end for not having figured out a way to get it done, and then somebody else picks the idea up and and runs it.
Well, I I had a startup a few years ago called Vtweet, and I even think I have some archival material on it, and it was a tweeting video channel where you could do 15 to 30 second video tweets. And I did that in 2010. So that gives you an idea of how far ahead I was of the curve. But we didn’t pursue it. We didn’t get it.
It was a economically a difficult time. We didn’t get it funded, and so it didn’t happen. And then here comes Instagram, which is basically short clips and TikTok and real and everything else. So I was, 14 years in front of everybody. I tried to execute, but I didn’t get it, didn’t carry it to the finish line.
And so it was relegated to the trash heap like so many other really great ideas that, are just sometimes too early for the current for the current market. That concept of these short little video clips is something that really only became popular, I guess, within the last 5 or 6 years. So I was 10 years too early. 10 years too soon. So the challenge you had was, getting the funding for it.
Correct? Everything is a challenge of funding. I think anybody who’s ever started a business, as an entrepreneur, would tell you the per the biggest single problem is, how do I finance my operation? And how do you Well, you either find investors or you do what’s called bootstrapping. Bootstrapping is you find a little money.
You get lucky. You get some the business starts generating revenue, and you just start keep you keep pouring the money back into the business. The other ones is raising the capital through equity financing or debt financing, and that’s a matter of trying to understand how all of those work. I’ve used all 3 all 3 met all 3 methods. Each of them have benefits, and they have pitfalls.
So, I’ve had my life is long enough to have experienced every one of them. And the equity financing and bootstrapping is the easiest and least the strenuous because that’s the one where you are are working with like minded individuals to try to grow your to try to grow your business. Banks are not like minded. They just lend you money and and are are less sensitive to the actual vision of the company. And you obviously you have a lot of knowledge on business.
You have, quite a you’ve you have had and you still have quite a few businesses. When you were pursuing these businesses, you didn’t have a formal education for a business, like a business degree or anything like that. No. I didn’t. No.
I did not. Learn solely based on your real experience. You just jumped into it. Yeah. My willingness to turn around and and, learn what I needed to learn in order to be able to do what I had to do.
All of your businesses like you. Learning what you do wanna learn so you need so you could do what you have to do. Yeah. I missed all. It’s exactly right.
All of the businesses you have had, right, and have, how many is that in total? Oh god. I I I don’t have enough fingers on my foot or toes to count them. So, you know, some of them have been, I as I mentioned earlier, the first one was my karate studio. Then after that, I had a little stint as a stuntman.
And then, I got involved with my father in the, my into his, football league. I had my own tour company. Those are the some of the other ones. I had a pharmaceutical company for a short while, and, I was involved in trades. So it’s all it’s a lot.
It’s just, whatever whatever showed up that I thought looked like it might be interesting and and profitable. Very diverse very diverse experience. I could pretty much I could pretty much speak to you about just about anything. I know you’ve endeavored in a lots of different fields. Yeah.
I have. And which field oh, I mean, I think that’s obvious, AI and robotics. Yeah. That’s the one I’m really I’m glad the God is me project, and some of the other ones that are underneath it, and the patents I filed really have my passion. I’m quite passionate about those.
When when did you first learn a bit about AI? Like, I heard about artificial intelligence a few years ago, but when did you really know it existed? How old were you? Oh, I think the first conversation I had when I was 16, 17 years old was a convert in university in one of the computer classes I took was the discussion of how to how to, the concept. I think IBM actually made them one of the first companies and Xerox to try to work towards an artificial intelligence or a machine they’re called machine learning algorithms, in order to to do, to manage computers and office work.
And they so that would have been started almost 40 years ago, were the first concepts. The, in fact, I have friends, in the American intelligence community, and they were playing around with artificial intelligence for image recognition as in my conversations with them as early as 1973. So that if that gives you an idea how long it’s been around. Because both they they just they’ve only heard about it a few years ago. I think Chachiqv came out, and then everyone, knew what AI was.
But you, obviously, you’ve learned about it from quite a while ago. Did it appeal to you right away, or did you have to go and experience different industries before you came back to it and you realize you connect? Well, it was still a it was still a theoretical science at the time. Many really practical work that was being done was going to the going to the u to the governments, primarily the US government because of its application in intelligence. But it hit the the algorithms and really the the technology, the machine the processing power necessary in order to manage that kind of, machine intelligence wasn’t even available until maybe 7 or 8 years ago, when they started to come out with the 1st quantum com quantum computing, chips and, high density chips.
And, that was like the the the concept and the mathematics as theory had been around for a long time, but the actual capacity to execute on it in a in a practical sense didn’t exist. Chachi t p took the the young man who started Chachi t p took the theory, and then organized it and turned it into an actual machine learning language, and then, obviously, it evolved and gave it and started to give the machine far more capacity than it ever had. So it and I think it’s been in the popular vocabulary with every science fiction movie that ever came out with robots that are that are, that are have had personalities as far back as, as, Star Trek in the 19 sixties. I think you would need to trace it back to a a silent film movie that, dates back to the 19 a German producer dates back, to the 1919, 1920, where he actually had a female robot that was that was intelligence. So the concept of machine intelligence, whether you wanna call it, the by its technical term, generative, generative a, AI or generative artificial intelligence.
Well, the concept of machine intelligence I wrote a paper on this, actually. I I almost went back, to the time of, Frankenstein and when, that novel was written because she basically said, let’s pull a bunch of parts together and make a make a biological robot with a with a then move brains around and create an intelligence. So I believe it’s fascinated us for a long time. When we speak about the history of AI and robotics, I know you’ve mentioned in a previous interview, about the present of artificial intelligence and robotics. You also mentioned that you are or I’m not sure if you still are, but you have an upcoming invention, called AI doggo.
Do you think you can delve into what exactly this is and how it works? Well, AI doggo and WhatsAppUp, which are the are the 2 applications of the concept. The AI doggo, which I I received the patent on that is a, wasn’t the the concept was a harness that would be placed on a on a pet starting with a dog, that would monitor the health state of the dog or the pet, and at the same time, monitor its environment. And that data would be collected and sent back to the AI, where it would analyze it. My primary focus with that was on health care, to to collect real time passive information.
The idea of doing it with a pet was its proximity to a human being, and so the AI would collect all the data, analyze all the data, learn learn what everybody’s personal medical status was at the time, and then look for anomalies, changes in their medical state, and then alert them and somebody that you’ve got a problem. There’s something wrong with you. Because I’ve been watching you every day 247 for the last 7 months, year, 2 years, and this is your pattern. And now your pattern’s changed, and you need to tell somebody. And the value of that patent was granted to me in 2020.
I wrote it in 20, so it took a while to get it. But it’s, it’s a unique approach of using, artificial, pairing artificial intelligence to a dog, but with a with a physical harness, not with a biological implant. And canines have always helped humans for, I think, quite a while now. Well, our relationship does the the symbiosis in that relationship, emotionally, the empathy that exists, is quite, is quite unique. But I’ve also learned that horses have that same relationship to their to their owners and to other human beings.
And then, of course, you have dolphins who are have been used for therapeutics. Dogs can smell cancer. They could smell diabetes. They can sense, changes in, in circulation. And the patent that I have also monitors the dog’s empathic state.
So if the dog is showing distress, we try to analyze if the reason for the distress is that there’s something wrong with SONAR. And that information would be sent to an app. Correct? That it would go through the harness to the AI. The AI would analyze all the data of each person, and then to make an assessment on what on what’s happening.
And the key, and and then again, when I wrote the patent, the technology wasn’t available at the time to actually build it because of the need to to process somewhere. If you can imagine, you’re you’ve if you’ve got a puppy and it’s wearing a harness and it’s monitoring you and your environment 247, utilizing the audio visual materials and other sensors, that’s a lot of data, and that’s a lot of data to crunch. And, at the time that I wrote the patent, the technology wasn’t available to process that much data, but it did now become recently available, particularly with NVIDIA’s new, chip for AI its AI chip. And that opens up new opportunities to pull that off. So I’m quite excited to hopefully get that done.
And What’s Up Pup, which is the other version of this, is another patent pending for learning how to understand animal speak, or in this case, dog and cat speak. So it develops, a library and the syntax of, and a lexicon of, barks and body movements and facial expressions that your pet makes to try to and turns it into a language. And then you’ll be able to actually have your dog or cat talk to you and hear them in English. The AI will take the movements and tell you exactly what they’re trying to say, hopefully. How did you get this idea?
Well, I was really well, everybody know I was read a lot of literature. What’s one of the things again, goes back to my interest in medicine. One of the things I’ve always understood is that cells communicate with each other. So every all the trillions of cells that make up your body or anyone’s body are in constant communication with each other on a certain level. And then recognizing that that takes place, and I just came to the conclusion that all live all living things have to have some sort of some form of communication to communicate with other members of their species and or to interact with their environments.
But what is that? We don’t study that. We’ve been very egotistical, and we’ve only concerned ourselves with our own languages and with communicating with each other. So all the translation apps have been focused primarily on just translating human, human, verbal or written language. And I I thought to myself, wait a minute.
We know that, mammals communicate with each other. Insects communicate with each other. Fruits and plants communicate with each other. Cells communicate with each other. We are now at a stage where our technology can allow us to collect that data and try to identify how they talk to each other.
And almost at the same time I did that, and I filed that patent, I think several research projects came up where people are trying to understand how cells talk to each other and how animals talk to each other. So there’s a lot of paper on that. And doggy talk is actually a sign a a science that’s been quite analyzed. Dockey talk is a real science? It’s a real it’s a real science.
Yes. There’s actually there are actually white papers and academic studies on how an how a dog communicates and how it interprets how it interprets our communications. That’s very fascinating. Yeah. How does a dog express love?
Because it expresses love. How does it express anger? And it’s quite sophisticated. And the interesting part to me, in this process when I do finally realize it, is that our pets don’t grow up among their old species. They grow up among us.
And so are they developing an understanding of the language that we speak and not the language that they speak as dogs. So it would to me, the fascinating study would be, how do a pack of wild dogs or wolves communicate with each other, which is pure and an and on, and not corrupted by human interference, and then how does your dog or cat talk to you? That’s very And I don’t is that a language is that a special language between the owner Mhmm. And the pet that is very unique just to them. And the idea of the app, WhatsappUp, is that it will collect that data from every individual owner.
It will look for common, the AI will look for common expressions between the species because we’re hopefully have we’ll have eventually, it’ll have millions of users. We’ll look for common elements between the species, and then try to say, well, this form of action is consistent in 98% of, communications between a dog or a cat and its owner. Other actions may not be consistent. So does do you and your pet have a special language that’s all your own, or do you or or do they actually have, an in a, a programmed language of communication that comes to them genetically? Like, a a bird learns the a bird singing or a cell can be those are all genetically, programmed, and they’re not, and they’re not necessarily learned.
Yeah. It’ll be fun.
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